Summer Wellbeing Programme 2024
12 week online programme to guide you in Deep Nature Connection begins 3rd June
This programme is designed for you to get a sense of what connecting to nature means to you, and for you to find ways to deepen that connection to enhance your well-being. There is no right or wrong way – Every person has an experience unique to them, and to the season and happenings in nature. I am here to guide and support you to find your way.
My approach to Nature Connection is much more than learning about nature. It is about co-working with what Mother Earth has made available to us – it is a reciprocal relationship where we respect and learn to respond to what is happening in nature.
This means that every season is different, and every programme I run is different.
In this Summer course we will work with Elderflower plant and Bee animal medicine to help us align with this season’s energy.
About me
My name is Dr Karen Stead-Dexter, I live in Somerset in the UK and I teach people how to Connect with Nature for your own Well-Being.
My signature Well-Being Programmes run for a whole Nature Season, so for example this Summer Programme starts in June and runs through until August. These programmes are all holistic lifestyle programmes based on how I live my life, in tune with Nature’s teachings.
I share my own special personal practices, developed over 30 years. These practices are so important for my health and happiness. They make me calmer, more centred, energised.
It is the best care and attention I can give to myself. I invite you to give yourself the same care and attention too.
I only work with small groups, places are limited so book early!
What you will do on the Summer Programme
12 week online programme to guide you in Deep Nature Connection begins 3rd June
My courses are designed for you to understand and experience nature connection and the way it can benefit you.
You will receive 4 introductory video courses via email for you to follow in your own time and I will also run 2-3 live webinars.
You will be sent my own Plant or Animal essences by post, for you to take daily over a certain period, and which can deepen your connection to your own needs and the world around you. I recommend you use a journal to note how you feel as you take these essences – the effects may be subtle or dramatic and can often be different to what you expected or intended.
We will follow the ancient Celtic Wheel cycle and celebrate the festivals of the Summer Solstice (20th June), and Lammas (1st August) with live workshops on how our ancestors celebrated these times.
We will learn about traditions related to moon cycles, and we will mark Full and New Moon events with meditations that help us to understand and sense the energy that these planetary transitions bring.
We will practice Meditation as a way to reflect, to ground ourselves, and to use our senses in a more focused way. Some meditations will be live events on Zoom, but if you cannot attend, a recording of the session will be sent out to you. Clients always say that they find the live sessions very helpful, particularly if you do not have a lot of experience yet in practicing meditation or would like to have a more profound experience.
You will also have 2 individual consultations with me to help you develop your connection to nature in a way that suits your individual circumstances as you continue through this Programme.
Our Q&A sessions on Zoom will be a chance for you to question freely about anything that is not clear to you, to express what you are experiencing, or to ask for some guidance.
The Programme Schedule including Dates and Times for all zoom sessions will be given at the Introduction meeting.