September/October Nature Musings 2023

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the September/October 'Nature Musings Blog' - a chance to look back over these last 2 months and remember and honour what nature has provided for us all.

These last 2 months have seen a gradual slowing down in nature, with autumnal colours starting to show on the trees and leaves falling all around - although autumn has been slower to get going this year.  A time too for the multitude of fungi to fruit throughout the damp soil in woodlands; popping up over dead logs, within the damp mulch of leaves and on trees too.  My favourite time for macro-photography!

The trees slowly allowing this years growth to fall with so much grace and colour - a lesson indeed for us to allow those things that no longer serve us to fall away with similar grace.

The community engaging in the Wellbeing Programme this autumn are learning the importance of connecting deeply with nature to help them let go, and grow.  Working with Maple, Sparrowhawk, and Serpent - great teachings indeed!

I have enjoyed the slowing down and listening more to what I need and spending more time in nature. I hope you will enjoy walking with me........

Autumnal light over the Danes Brook at Hawkridge on Exmoor
Autumnal light over the Danes Brook at Hawkridge on Exmoor

I had the chance this last month to re-visit my favourite place on Exmoor with a group wanting to learn a deeper connection with nature - back to Hawkridge.

This place never disappoints, there is always so much magic waiting to show itself in the woods down from Hawkridge hamlet.  

A circular route I found some 24 years ago, which can be walked easily within 2.5 hours, but I have learned to stop more, to saunter not hike, to listen and feel into the forest more with each walk.  Now my sauntering takes me 6-7 hours, perhaps more if I end up dozing in a hammock!  Time very well spent in nourishing the mind, body and spirit.

Over the years I have visited this place every season to witness the changes within the land, and within me too.  This place gives me a chance to empty my head of all the to-do's and allow me to think of the present moment only.  

I have had some amazing encounters in this woodland too, the Red deer passing me on the hammock not realising I was a human hanging in the air; the cries and sights of the local Goshawk circling overhead; and the welcoming goink of the Raven's as I enter and ask permission to walk this land. 

I've visited the land many times when the Red deer Stag's have been calling to protect their herd, bellowing to proclaim their territory ready to protect their herd from any other males.  The sounds are deep and ancient, and I have sat in the woods with bellowing being heard from each side of me - the intensity of the sound can be felt through every fibre of my being.

I've also had the unexpected fortune of having a Red deer stag run and stand still in front of myself and a friend as we were having lunch.  Stopping so close, we could witness every muscle twitch, hear and watch its breathing - we both felt ourselves stop breathing as we simply marvelled at this magnificent beast and its acknowledgment of us in its woods.  An encounter indeed with the magical that I always remember when I enter this wood.

These woods are filled with so much awe and wonder - oak and beech groves, bilberry and wood sorrel to feast on during the summer months, cool water to bathe tired feet in the river Barle and Danes Brook, and the delights of just sitting in a hammock feeling the cool breeze gently rock you as the leaves move hypnotically above you.  

Each season gives you so much in this woodland - in winter the trees seem sprinkled with silver tinsel in the form of lichen, in spring the ground comes to life with dog's mercury, snowdrops and bluebells, summer brings in the cool shade of the canopy and autumn the beautiful autumnal colours above and on the ground all around.  So much beauty to behold. 

A place I am beginning to know very well......

"The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity, and by these I shall not regulate my propositions. And some see no nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself."

William Blake

Protective Yarrow
Protective Yarrow

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), is a plant that appears in many meadows and open woodlands.  A flowering perennial with a rich history as one of the oldest plants used medicinally, with reports of its use going back 3,000 years, and found in a Neanderthal burial site in Iraq going back to 60,000 BC!

In scientific studies, Yarrow's active ingredients have been shown to have antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-proliferative (slowing cell growth) and much more.

The fine, feathery leaves of Yarrow, or juice made from its leaves have historically been applied directly to wounds to aid healing.  Also acting as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant when applied to the skin.

Its species name, millefolium, means “thousand leaved” and represents the foliage of Yarrow which is so feathery.  Its leaves look serrated, almost like a knife, showing us its doctrine of signatures of being appropriate for injuries that “cut to the bone” – telling us much about its healing properties as a wound herb.

Yarrow is a plant that really wanted to be seen this year.  So as the Autumn Equinox approached Yarrow started to appear everywhere, and in my dreams too.  I got the message!

Leading up to the Autumn Equinox I could feel the need for more psychic protection, more than normal and Yarrow was always there, already informing me of how it would work with me.  Historically a plant ally that has co-worked with many people to banish heavy energy and offer psychic protection; even helping to banish curses.

I sat with Yarrow on the Autumn Equinox and co-created a beautiful essence with this plant ally.  As we connected through the co-creation I felt strongly grounded, and yet connected to an immense support of spiritual guides and helpers - the white flowers reaching and connecting up to the stars.  The protection I felt around me felt gentle yet very strong.   This plant brought calm too, through my whole body bringing a deep sense of feeling rested, looked after.  All the heaviness I had felt around me instantly shifted.  I felt cleansed, energy field cleared and so protected.

This is now a plant essence that I turn to as much as Mugwort - now part of my psychic protection toolkit.

I love how these plants appear exactly at the right time for me to deepen my connection, to learn more to accept their gifts and wisdom.  They know what I need and what I need to learn.  The magic indeed of working deeply with nature.

Maple - a very caring plant ally to work with
Maple - a very caring plant ally to work with

For the last 2 months of the Autumn Well-being Programme we have been working very deeply with the plant spirit wisdom of Maple.

With over 150 species of maple (Acer sap.) worldwide, our Field maple is the only true maple in the UK, hiding in amongst the hedgerows.  Characteristic small dark green shiny leaves fading to a rich golden yellow in the autumn.  Another maple that we commonly see in our parks and open spaces is the Sycamore - believed to have been brought to Britain from Southern Europe by the Romans.

Something we all probably remember playing with as children, is the winged seeds - falling like helicopter blades down from the tree or from our hands as we threw them up into the sky.  I had loads of fun with these seeds, and always reminded at this time of year of that child-like innocence.  But what an amazing way for the tree to make sure its seeds would be carried by the wind far away from the original tree.    

A lot of our urban gardens and parks now host the Japanese maples - many different species with amazing colours at this time of year.  I planted a Japanese Acer in my front garden when I moved in 4.5 years ago. I love watching the change in colour at this time of year, bringing me a lot of joy and support through these autumnal months.

Maples are a great symbolism for the beauty in nature, of resilience, and the changing season.  For me maples remind me how to let go of things that I no longer need with joy, colour and grace.  They also bring in a lot of support too - almost like a grandmothers hug!  My favourite is the Sycamore, especially older trees with patchy coloured bark of different shades of pink, brown, grey and red.  

Go and find a maple near you and just spend some time getting to know the tree.  Notice how colourful the leaves are now before they fall, and visualise yourself letting go of things you no longer need in a colourful, joyful way.  

Even work with the leaves and blow into each a leaf the things that you need to release.  Ask the leaf to hold your burden and allow the energy of this burden to be transformed and transmuted by the earth as the leaf falls and decays completely.........remember too to gift something to the tree as a thank you when you are finished.

Let go and feel held by these wonderful trees.

Smudging as one way of clearing energy fields
Smudging as one way of clearing energy fields

Over the last few years I have been invited by various groups to run specific energy courses to help expand their knowledge and experience.

One of the courses I have run several times these last 2 months is a 'Psychic Protection' workshop - protecting our whole being.  Teaching people how to use specific tools to clear their own energy and the energy of others and the places, animals that they work with too.

As a therapist I am constantly reminded that I can pick up other peoples negative/heavy energy......and this can feel like a weight on my shoulders, my energy feels drained, and even experiencing emotions that I know are not mine.  And as a result I know I have various tools at my disposal to help clear, transform and transmute this energy very quickly.  Something, I believe, that all therapists, in fact everyone who works with energy, should know, but not everyone does.... 

I am constantly reminded by something my mentor from South America once said to me "you shine in the light 24/7, so the darkness can see you very clearly.  As soon as you drop your protection you start to absorb this heavy energy very quickly...protect...protect...protect always".  So I protect myself at night too - although I am only human, and sometimes I forget, and yes get attacked!  

On these courses students are asked to use various tools to help transform and transmute any heavy energy they may have found on one another - using incense, smudging, sound, chants, and much more.  Teaching people to honour everything they work with too - to remember to ask permission from the crystal, or plant spirit ally before working with it really does affect how these more-than-human beings work with us.  At the end of the workshop everyone feeling lighter and most definitely seeing the need for upping their protection in lots of situations!

So here's the question - how many of you who work as therapists actually clear the land in which you are working?  Think about it - if a client is dumping their heavy energy in the space you are working that energy will settle and sit on the land, trees, plants, animals, etc., where you are and what you are working with.  Remember you are co-working with the environment you bring your client into, even if it's indoors in a room in a building!  We need to be more aware of what we do all the time.....we need to ask permission to do this kind of work, and we can influence for the good and bad the energy of the environment in which we work.

If you would like to know more about the one day workshops I offer please do get in touch.  

Artemis - my beautiful female Buzzard
Artemis - my beautiful female Buzzard

My life revolves around my birds, always(!!!).......taking holidays just doesn't happen anymore as I don't have anyone to look after them.  But my life just wouldn't be the same without them.  It is never a chore cleaning, weighing, flying these amazing creatures.  It is just a way of life for me.

Over the next few months I will introduce each bird to give you a deeper understanding of them and how they have impacted on my life.

Artemis, pictured above is my Buzzard that came to me as a youngster at 16 weeks of age.  Fully grown and with the attitude of an eagle, I went to collect this bird from a breeder near Sheffield.  A very long drive to collect and bring her home - her attitude for the first week was one of complete disdain!!!  I had after all removed her from the comfort of her family aviary and suddenly she was being asked to bond with a human.....I had a feeling this one would test me.  

Manning is a term used by falconers of the process we go through to allow the bird to get used to the environment and person.  As her weight dropped slightly she started to settle more on the glove, less threatening and angry and more of a bond starting to develop.  Eventually, after a week, we were able to go for walks in the local woods with her sitting nicely on the glove, allowing her to take in all the different noises and sights in a calm manner, and more importantly trusting me too. 

I have an absolute love for Buzzards - constantly there through my childhood living in SW Scotland, and more recently having rescued and rehabilitated wild Buzzards and got many back to health and released them back into the wild.

Their haunting call, calls to my soul.  Awakens something in me that bonds so strongly with them.  I often long to be with them in the sky to soar and feel the freedom that they are feeling, and to see the world from above.  

Artemis and I have a really strong bond, working together when out flying she always tells me where she is (she never shuts up!), and comes looking for me if she can't see me.  She reminds me too of taking time out, to be more playful - going out with her for a 30 min fly just doesn't happen....try 2 hours on some days!!  She loves being high up in the trees and throwing sticks at me too.....very playful.

But it is her call....a constant reminder to connect in with the wild always that is her biggest lesson for me.  To never forget the wild in all its forms.

Artemis - my beautiful female Buzzard
Artemis - my beautiful female Buzzard

The Autumn Well-being Programme is into its last month now and the community that has developed has been so wonderful to mentor and guide.

It has been so lovely to watch everyone share their nature connection stories and experiences as we have moved through the months, week by week.  Of sharing that deep love and connection with the more-than-human has been really uplifting and inspiring.  

Planning has all been finalised for the Winter Well-being Programme and I am really looking forward to the new nature and human connections being woven, starting 4th December.

A time of deep introspection, of learning more about ourselves and bringing the wealth of nature wisdom in to guide us at this time. 

"The leaves of autumn are a reminder that change is the beauty of life."  

Thank you for reading my nature musings for the last two months.  I would love to hear your connection stories with the natural world, and the plants and animals that have helped you too - send me an email or respond via Facebook. 

Look out for the next Nature Musing Blog which will appear in your email boxes from end of December.  A list of what is going on re workshops, talks, etc., will appear as a separate 'newsletter' flying into your email boxes today.  If you would like any of the essences of the plants I have been working with then these are available to buy from the shop page on the website.  Yarrow will be available in the next few days.

Enjoy your own nature musings throughout November and December.

Nature Blessings,

Karen x

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Posted on October 1st 2023

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