Dr Karen Stead-Dexter

Bramble Essence

For Grounding


To feel deeply grounded with support for the emotions held within the heart.

Co-created with wild bramble towards the end of summer.  Bringing in deep grounding, connecting us to the wildness of the land, and of the heart.  A wonderful plant spirit ally to help with deep seated trauma, bringing in safe protection and gentle healing.  Deeply healing the heart whilst nourishing the body and soul.  Allowing one to move forward with purpose when ready.  A great ally in teaching us to stand our ground.

A 30 ml healing essence made personally by Dr Karen, to be taken in drops as indicated on the bottle.

Note: Customers outside of the UK may incur customs charges when they receive these essences. We cannot be held responsible for any additional charges incurred. For customers outside of the UK we advise that you familiarise yourself with customs rates in your country before purchasing. We apologise for the inconvenience.

The information on this website is not intended as medical advice and does not replace a consultation with an appropriate healthcare professional.
Dr Karen’s essences use spring water as the carrier of the energy, but this energy is better preserved using alcohol so the 30ml dosage bottles contain approximately 14% alcohol (ABV – alcohol volume). If you are sensitive to alcohol, essences can be prepared on request using glycerin instead.

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